Registered 1923 as a reconstruction of a company of the same name to acquire the Dolcoath mine at Camborne, Cornwall. Company number 189861. Struck off the register 21st of April 1939.
Capital £300,000 in 10/- shares later increased to £362,500.
19[23], part paid, black on pink, capital £300,000
10/- shares
19[23], black, capital £300,000
last line of text starts ‘in respect’
#85, #494,#1047,#1121
10/- shares
19[27], as above but last line of text start ‘respect’
option certificate
1923, blue & black
10/- shares
19[28]-[29], black, capital increased to £362,500
#3521, #3630,#3800
8% Mortgage debenture Authorised £50,000
19[26]-[28], black and red
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