Banque de l’Union
Соединенный Банкъ
Union Bank
Other city spellings: Moscou, Moskau
Formed in December 1908 from the merger of Moscow International Commercial Bank, the Orel Commercial Bank and the South Russian Industrial Bank, with founding capital of 3,000,000 roubles. Head office was in Moscow. The first issue of shares in 1909 raised capital of 7,500,000 roubles in shares of 200 roubles. Capital was increased in 1910 to 15,000,000 roubles and grew to 40,000,000 roubles in 1914, in shares of 200 roubles.
The founding capital of 3 million roubles was raised by the Moscow International Commercial Bank, the Orel Commercial Bank and the South Russian Industrial Bank. The bank had 82 branches all over Russia and a branch in Berlin (the only Russian bank with branches in Germany).