Magadi Soda Company Ltd
Registered 1911. Re-registered around 1925. Company number 113880. Mined trona in Kenya and converted it to soda ash at a factory near its mining operations. Became a subsidiary of Brunner Mond, ICI and now Tata Chemicals.
Capital £1,312,500 in 1,250,000 ordinary shares of £1 and 1,250,000 deferred shares of 1/-. Increased to £1,812,500. Capital by 1925 reduced and restructured to £830,000 in 250,000 6% first preference shares of £1, 1,320,000 6% second preference shares of 5/-, 600,000 12½% preferred ordinary shares of 5/- and 100,000 ordinary shares of £1.
SKU: 548c089ab3a2
Country: British East Africa
Where Organised: London