Société Anonyme Minière des Aïmaks de Touchetoukhan et de Tsetsenkhan en Mongolie
Акционерное Общество Руднаго дѣла Тушетухановскаго и Цеценхановскаго Аймаковъ въ Монголии
Other city spellings: St.-Pétersbourg, Petrograd, Pétrograde
Formed in 1907 with head office in St. Petersburg. Initial capital was 6,000,000 roubles of which 3,000,000 roubles were ordinary shares of 250 roubles each and 3,000,000 roubles were privilege shares of 37.50 roubles each. In 1910, the ordinary capital was reduced to 1,800,000 roubles in shares of 50 roubles.
In 1907, Baron von Grot, who was exploring for gold in these two provinces of northern Mongolia, formed this company with French and Belgian participation, to mine gold on the banks of the Selenga River. Its shares were also listed in Europe, where the company was known as “Mongol-Or”. The concession was later taken over by an American company, who never developed it.
In 1921 the major ‘Mongolian’ concessions were granted, to include this area. Today, the Canadian-owned Boroo and Gatsuurt Mines operate in the area by the Selenga River. The two khans in the company name were two of the descendants of Ghenghis Khan, who ruled the area of these 2 aimaks or regions. (source: Boone auction October 2021)