China: 1913 5% Reorganisation Gold Loan
1913 5% Reorganisation Gold Loan. Issued £25,000,000 by the international banking group, each countersigning the bonds at the bottom left. £7,416,680 was issued by the Hongkong & Shanghai Banking Corporation in London, £7,416,660 by the Banque de L’Indo-Chine in Paris, £6,000,000 by the Deutsch-Asiatische Bank in Germany and £2,777,780 by the Russo-Aisatic Bank in St.Petersburg & Paris and a further £1,388,880 through their branch in Brussels. Japan, represented by the Yokohama Specie Bank, did not receive their own bonds to countersign but were able to issue any of the bonds in Japan.
Country: China
Theme: Foreign Loans