Actien-Gesellschaft “Vesuv” Maschinen-Fabrik, Eisen-und Stahlgiesserei, vormals Constantin Strupp in Libau
Акционерное Общество “Везувий” Машиностроительный Чугуно- и Сталелитейный Завод, бывший Константина Штрупа в г. Либаве
The company was formed in 1898 in Libau (now Liepāja, in Latvia). Initial capital was 600,000 roubles in shares of 250 roubles.
The plant was opened by Konstantin Strup in the Latvian city of Libau in 1885. This enterprise produced cast iron and forged parts, machine tools and spare parts, steam boilers, hand tools and more, up to kitchen utensils, and also erected bridges and metal roof structures. The transformation of the enterprise into a joint-stock company took place in 1898. After several difficult years from an economic point of view, in 1905, Stroop had to sell a controlling stake in the Libau iron and steel plant to Böcker and Co. Production ceased after the First World War. (Source: HWPH April 2017)