Ville de Riga, 1914 (1913) Huitième Emprunt 4½%
Города Риги, 1913 Восьмой Заемь 4½%
City of Riga, 1913 4½% Eighth Loan
Issued £1,322,740 (12,499,893 roubles) in February 1914. The city is now in Latvia.
Following an agreement in 1934, the principal was reduced by 40% (a £100 bond became £60) and the interest rate was reduced to 4%. Of the £1,281,840 outstanding in 1934, £1,267,080 was endorsed as assenting to the offer. Of the £14,760 remaining, only 2 £100 bonds are known to exist. The bonds went into default in 1940. There was a further settlement under the Foreign Compensation (USSR) Order 1969, whereby holders were offered redemption at £52.79 per bond.
Categories: Latvia, Russia
Theme: Municipal Loans