Société de Lovitch des Produits et Engrais Chimiques
Ловичское Общество Химическихъ Продуктоъ и Землеудобрительныхъ Веществъ
Other city spellings: Varsovie, Warschau, Warszawy
Formed in 1895 with head office in Warsaw. Initial capital was 600,000 roubles in shares of 250 roubles. Capital was increased in 1899 to 1,000,000 roubles.
The company was founded in 1895 with a capital of 600,000 rubles with the participation of Belgian financiers, for the production of artificial fertilizer. The administrative seat was Warsaw; the factory was located in Lowicz, Gouv. Stock exchange listing in Warsaw. The prominent Jewish banker Natanson was a member of the company’s board of directors. The factory burned down during World War I. Some of the second issue certificates were originally signed by W. Kislanski as Chairman of the Board. Wladyslaw Teodor Kislanski (1841-1926) was an important Polish engineer and industrialist who was particularly notable for modernizing the national railway network. His concern was the development and strengthening of Polish industry, agriculture and crafts, where he achieved great things. In 1917 he was to become Minister of Economics, which failed due to resistance from the German authorities. After World War I he became President of the International Chamber of Commerce. (Source: Gutowski auction July 2007)