Banque d’Escompte de Varsovie
Варшавский Учетный БанкЬ
Warsaw Discount Bank
Warschauer Disconto Bank
Bank Dyskontowy Warszawski
Other city spellings: Warschau, Warszawy
Formed in 1871 with head office in Warsaw. Initial capital was 2,000,000 roubles in shares of 250 roubles. By 1918, capital had reached 10,000,000 roubles in shares of 250 roubles.
The bank was founded in Warsaw in 1871 as a competitor to the Handelsbank in Warsaw. The capital was initially 2 million roubles. At that time, Warsaw was still part of the Russian Tsarist Empire. In 1926, the shares were then also listed on the London stock exchange. Finally, in 1946, the communists expropriated the shareholders and nationalized the bank. (Source: HWPH, April 2014)