Aktiengesellschaft der Chemischen Fabrik Friedr. Bayer & Co in Moskau
Акционерное Общество Химической Фабрики Фридр. Байеръ и Ко. въ Москве
Friedr. Bayer & Co. Chemical Company in Moscow
Other city spellings: Moscou, Moskau
Formed in 1912 with head office in Moscow. Initial capital was 3,000,000 roubles in shares of 1000 roubles.
The general partnership “Friedr. Bayer et Comp.” was founded in 1863 in Barmen – now a district of Wuppertal, Germany – by Friedrich Bayer (1825-1880) and Johann Friedrich Weskott (1821-1876). The company manufactured and sold synthetic dyestuffs, to replace scarce and expensive natural dyes and the company benefited from the growth of the textile industry. In 1881, the partnership was changed to a joint stock company called “Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr. Bayer & Co”. Between 1881 and 1913, Bayer developed into a chemical company with international operations; the company had already shipped dyestuffs to many countries in early years. By 1913, 80% of its revenue came from exports. Before World War I, the company had subsidiaries in Russia, France, Belgium, the United Kingdom and the United States. Bayer’s Russian subsidiary was expropriated in the Russian Revolution.