Banque de Commerce de l’Azoff-Don
Азовско-Донской Коммерческий Банкъ
Commercial Bank of Asow-Don
Asow-Don Commerz-Bank
Other city spellings: Azov, St.-Pétersbourg, Petrograd, Pétrograde
Formed in 1871 with head office in Taganrog / St. Petersburg. Initial capital was 3,000,000 roubles in shares of 250 roubles. In 1883, capital was reduced to 2,000,000 roubles by exchanging the original 12,000 shares for 8,000 new shares at the same nominal price of 250 roubles. After 1890, capital increased rapidly, reaching 60,000,000 roubles by 1916. Replacement certificates were issued every 10 years when coupon sheets were exhausted.