Banque de Commerce Privée de St.-Pétersbourg
С.-Петербургский Частный Коммерческий Банкъ
The St. Petersburg Joint-Stock Commercial Bank
St. Petersburger Privat-Handels-Bank
Other city spellings: Petrograd, Pétrograde
Formed in 1864 with head office in St. Petersburg. Initial capital was 10,000,000 roubles in shares of 250 roubles. Capital was later reduced to 8,000,000 roubles by the reduction of the nominal value of the shares from 250 to 200 roubles. In 1910, capital was reduced to 2,000,000 roubles by the exchange of four shares of 200 roubles against only one of the same value – and increased simultaneously to 12,000,000 roubles by the creation of 50,000 new shares of 200 roubles. In 1911, capital was increased to 20,000,000 roubles, in 1912 to 30,000,000 roubles, and in 1913 to 40,000,000 roubles, in shares of 200 roubles.
Share capital 40 million rubles, divided into 200,000 shares of 200 rubles. Originally 10 million rubles, reduced to 8 million rubles by the reduction of the nominal value of the shares from 250 to 200 rubles, and in 1910 to 2 million rubles by the exchange of 4 shares of 200 rubles against only one of the same value, and increased simultaneously to 12 million rubles by the creation of 50,000 new shares of 200 rubles, then in 1911 to 20 million rubles, in 1912 to 30 million rubles and in 1913 to the current figure. (Source: Data for Financial History, 1917 yearbook)