Banque Foncière de Nijni-Novgorod-Samara
Нижегородско-Самарскаго Земельнаго Банка
Nizhny Novgorod-Samara Land Bank
Nishni-Novgorod-Samaraer Hypotheken-Bank
Other city spellings: Moscou, Moskau, Nizhny Novgorod, Nischni Nowgorod
Formed in 1872 with head office in Moscow. Initial capital was 2,000,000 roubles in shares of 250 roubles. Capital was increased to 2,400,000 roubles in 1883 and rose to 4,972,000 roubles in 1905, divided into shares of 250 roubles and 187.50 roubles. Capital in 1909 was 5,104,000 roubles, all in shares of 250 roubles.