Banque Foncière de St.-Pétersbourg-Toula
С.-Петербургско-Тульскаго Поземельнаго Банка
St. Petersburg-Tula Land Bank
St. Petersburg-Tulaer Agrar-Bank
Banque Fonciere de Pétrograde-Toula
Petrograd-Tula Land Bank
Formed in 1872 with head office in St. Petersburg. Initial capital is unknown but capital had increased to 4,800,000 roubles in shares of 200 roubles by 1897 (10th issue). Capital reached 8,000,000 roubles in shares of 200 roubles in 1900. By 1915, the name had changed to Banque Fonciere de Pétrograde-Toula.
The activities of the Bank extend: to the St. Petersburg city administration and to the provinces: St. Petersburg, Tula, Moscow, Ryazan, Kaluga, Smolensk, Tver, Novgorod, Pskov, Olonets, Vilna, Grodno and Kovno.
In 1897, the Chairman of the Board was A. Maslovsky and the accountant, K. Maslyannikov.
Verified capital (from front of certificates, except issue 17)
1897 (10th issue) – 4,800,000 roubles (24,000 shares cumulative)
1897 (11th issue) – 5,200,000 roubles (26,000 shares)
1898 (12th issue) – 5,600,000 roubles (28,000 shares)
1898 (13th issue) – 6,000,000 roubles (30,000 shares)
189? (14th issue) – ? roubles (? shares)
1899 (15th issue) – 7,079,000 roubles (35,395 shares)
1900 (16th issue) – 7,600,000 roubles (38,000 shares)
1900 (17th issue?) – 8,000,000 roubles (40,000 shares)