Ville de Moscou, 1896 Emprunt Conversion 4½% (Séries XV – XVIII)
Города Москвы, 1896 4½% Заем (Серия XV – XVIII)
City of Moscow, 1896 4½% Conversion Loan (Series XV – XVIII)
Other city spelling: Moskau
These four loans were authorised as part of the 7,000,000 rouble loan of Ville de Moscou, 1892 Emprunt 5% (Séries XII – XVIII) but only issued in 1896, at the lower interest rate of 4½%.
Issued 4,000,000 roubles in exchange for Ville de Moscou, 1892 Emprunt 5% (Séries XII – XVIII)
1,000,000 roubles in exchange for 1892 5% Bonds (Series XV)
1,000,000 roubles in exchange for 1892 5% Bonds (Series XVI)
1,000,000 roubles in exchange for 1892 5% Bonds (Series XVII)
1,000,000 roubles in exchange for 1892 5% Bonds (Series XVIII)
Country: Russia
Theme: Municipal Loans