Ville de Nicolaieff, 1912 Emprunt 5%
Города Николаева, 1912 Заемь 5%
City of Nikolaef, 1912 5% Loan
Other city spellings: Nikolaev, Nikolaiew, Mykolaiv
Issued 6,499,899 roubles (£687,820) in two series, £646,200 and £41,620, distinguished by an overprint at the upper left side of the bonds. The city is now in Ukraine and known by its Ukrainian name, Mykolaiv.
Series 1: The £20 certificates are numbered 0001 to 6475. The £100 certificates are numbered 0001 to 3862. The £500 certificates are numbered 0001 to 0261.
Series 2: The £20 certificates are numbered 6476 to 6876. The £100 certificates are number 3863 to 4128. The £500 certificates are numbered 0262 to 0275.
Nikolaef is a city in southern Ukraine, now known by its Ukrainian name, Mykolaiv.
From the 1912 bond issue:
“…the Municipality of Nikolaef issues a Bond Loan …, for the purpose of rising off the arrears of the city of Nikolaef due to the State Treasury in connection with the maintenance of the city Prefect’s office and the city police, for the construction of the municipal electrical tramways and the purchase of the enterprises of the Belgian Company Limited of the existing tramways of Nikolaef with horse traction, for the extension of canalisation, for the mechanical arrangement of the commercial port, for the construction of new slaughter houses, for the erection of covered market halls or the reconstruction of the existing market stands, for the construction of school buildings, for the extension of the city electrical station, for increasing the floating means of the municipal pawn-brokery and for the erection of a building to accommodate various municipal offices.”
Source: (verbatim from the back of the bond)