Company for the Pawning of Tangible Assets in St. Petersburg
Общество для Заклада Движимыхъ Имуществъ въ С-Петербургѣ
Other city spellings: St.-Pétersbourg, Petrograd, Pétrograde
Formed in 1870 with head office in St. Petersburg. Initial capital was 1,000,000 roubles in shares of 100 roubles. There were capital increases in 1898, 1907, 1913 and 1915. Dividends were paid until 1916.
The first movable property mortgage society in St. Petersburg, later institutions of this type in Russia began to be called pawnshops, existed since 1838. Here, as a rule, loans were granted to clients for a period of four to twelve months secured by movable property. Lombard societies served the poor and ordinary people who did not have the opportunity to maintain personal bank accounts. The company described here was the second enterprise of this type in Russia. It was founded in 1868 and in 1870 transformed into a joint stock company. (Source: HWPH, Jan 2018)