Dobrov and Nabgolz Iron Foundry and Machine Building Company
Акционерное Общество Чугоно-Литейнаго и Машино-Строительнаго Производствъ Добровыхъ и Набгольцъ
Other city spellings: Moscou, Moskau
Formed in 1890 with head office in Moscow. Initial capital was 2,200,000 roubles in shares of 100 roubles. By 1917, capital had grown to 5,500,000 roubles.
The company was originally founded in 1864 by the Russian engineer Sergej A. Dobrov and the Swiss Gottlieb Nabholz to manufacture various sorts of machinery in Moscow. A joint-stock company was formed in 1890 and grew to be one of the largest such enterprises in Russia. The company started to specialise in the construction of mills. Its capital grew step by step from 2.2 million roubles in 1890 to 5.5 mllion in 1917. The company was nationalised during the Revolution and renamed Moscow Pump Factory M.I. Kalinin. (source: Boone April 2022)