Ville de St.-Pétersbourg, 1913 VIII Emprunt 4½%
Города С.-Петербурга, 1913 VIII Заемь 4½%
City of St. Petersburg, 1913 4½% VIII Loan
Other city spellings: Petrograd, Pétrograde
Issued £2,300,000 in October 1913; a £200 denomination was authorised but not issued. A second issue of £2,254,780 was to be issued in June 1914 but due to the outbreak of WWI, scrip certificates were never exchanged for definitive bonds.
The money from the loan was used to build a second tramway network in St. Petersburg as well as bridges and clinics.
Issued £2,300,000 in October 1913, a £200 denomination being authorised but not issued. A second issue of £2,254,780 was to be issued in June 1914 but due to outbreak of WWI scrip certificates were never exchanged for definitive bonds.
The money from the loan was used to build a second tramway network in St. Petersburg as well as bridges and clinics.