Compagnie du Chemin de Fer Kozlof-Voronège-Rostof
Общество Козлово-Воронежско-Ростовсой Железной Дороги
Koslov-Voronesh-Rostov Railway Company
Koslow-Woronesh-Rostow Eisenbahn Gesellschaft
Other city spellings: Rostoff, Tsaritsyne, Zarizyn, Voronezh, Woronesch
Concession granted in August 1866 and originally called Koslov-Voronesh Railway (Length 856km). Original capital was 7,495,000 roubles in shares of 100 roubles. In 1893, the company merged with the Griasi-Tsaritsyn Railway Company, to form the South-Eastern Railway Company.
1887 <
Country: Russia
Theme: Railways, Standard Gauge