Première Société des Chemins de Fer Secondaires Russes
Перваго Общества Подъездныхъ Железныхъ Путей в России
First Secondary Railway Company in Russia
The company was formed in 1892. Capital was 5,000,000 roubles in shares of 100 roubles. Capital increased to 5,655,000 roubles in 1912 and to 6,155,000 roubles in 1913. The company operated various branch lines in Russia.
1895 <
The 1895 loan of 1,252,200 roubles was issued to finance the local railway of Sventsiany / Zavileisk (today in Lithuania but at one point part of Poland, under the name of Swieciany).
The 1897 loan (II) was placed to finance the construction of the continuation of the Zhytomyr narrow-gauge siding from the Berdichev station to the town of Yanov, Podolsk province, with branches to the Voytovetsky beet sugar plant and to the Kalinovka station of the South-Western Railways. (source: from the bond).
The 1898 5% loan was placed to build a line from Sventsiano, on the St. Petersburg-Warsaw line, to Ponevezh, on the Libau-Romensk line.