R. Köhler and Co. Factory and Trade Company
Фабрично-Торговое Товарищество Р. Кёлеръ и Ко. вь Москвь
Other city spellings: Moscou, Moskau
Formed in 1893 with head office in Moscow. Initial capital was 1,250,000 roubles in shares of 500 roubles. In 1902, capital was increased to 1,550,000 in shares of 500 roubles.
The company was founded by Robert F.K. Köhler, a German immigrant who founded a pharmacy trading company as early as 1862.
The company was founded by Robert F.K. Köhler, a German immigrant who founded a pharmacy trading company as early as 1862. In 1864, he opened the first production plant in Russia for the production of ethyl alcohol. He opened several pharmacy shops all over Russia. In 1893, his business was converted to a joint-stock company. The main factory, producing pharmaceutical products, was located in Moscow and counted a workforce of 400 people by 1912. After the revolution, the company was nationalized. It still exists today, as a privatized firm, under the name of “Mos-chim-pharm-preparaty” and is currently the largest pharmaceutical company in the country.