Société Anonyme du “District Minier de Lyssva” des héritiers du Comte P. P. Schouvalov
Акционерное Общество «Лысьвенский Горный Округъ Наследниковъ Графа Петра Павловича Шувалова»
“Lyssva Mine District” of Count P. P. Schouvalov’s Heirs, Ltd.
Other city spellings: St.-Pétersbourg, Petrograde, Pétrograde
Formed in 1910 with head office in St. Petersburg. Capital by 1913 was 16,000,000 roubles in shares of 100 roubles.
Incorporated by statutes of 5th February 1910, amended 23rd August 1913. The company owned several coal, gold, iron and platina mines in the region around Perm (near the Ural Mountains) and had its own iron foundries and rolling mills. Its main works were in the town of Lysva, 86 km from Perm. Its industrial history dates from 1787. Before becoming a limited company, the firm was owned by the Schuvalov family, a noble family of 18th century origin. Pavel Petrovich Shuvalov inherited the neoclassical palace in St. Petersburg from the Naryshkin family in 1900; it is now the Fabergé Museum. Revolutionaries assassinated him in 1905.