Société Belgo-Russe pour la Fabrication des Glaces, Ancienne Firme Th. de Béklémichef
Русско-Бельгийское Общество для производства Зеркальнаго Стекла бывашая фирма Ф. А. Беклемишева
Russian-Belgian Company for the Production of Mirror Glass, former company F. A. Beklemishev
Other city spellings: Moscou, Moskau
Formed in 1896 with head office in Moscow. Capital was originally 1,375,000 roubles in shares of 125 gold roubles (equivalent to 2,062,500 ordinary roubles). In 1898 capital was increased to 2,437,500 roubles in shares of 187.50 roubles. In 1912, capital was reduced to 1,218,750 roubles and shares were converted to 93.75 roubles.
The company operated a mirror glass factory. There were other Belgian-backed glass factories in Russia; the oldest one being Glacerie du Nord. Import customs duties of mirrors were high (maximum 500%), resulting in several factories being established.