Société de la Manufacture de Coton Imprime “Emile Zundel” à Moscou
Товарищества Сицте-Набивной Мануфактуры “Эмилъ Цинделъ” въ Москвѣ
Other city spellings: Moskau
Formed in 1874 with head office in Moscow. Initial capital was 1,500,000 roubles in shares of 1000 roubles. In 1894, capital was increased to 3,000,000 roubles in shares of 1000 roubles. In 1904 capital was increased to 6,000,000 roubles by increasing the value of the shares to 2000 roubles each; original share certificates were stamped to reflect the new valuation. Capital was increased again in 1911 to 9,000,000 roubles.
An important textile company which by the turn of the century employed 2550 workers (of which, 400 were women). The company was linked to the Morozow family, the so-called textile barons of Russia and also well-known for their important art collections. (Source: M Boone auction, April 2019)