Société des Mines d’Or de la Léna (Lenskoyé)
Ленское золотопромышленное Товарищество
Lena Gold Mining Company
Other city spellings: St.-Pétersbourg, Petrograd, Pétrograde
Formed in 1896, as successor to a 1855 company of similar name, with head office in St. Petersburg. Capital in 1912 was 16,500,000 roubles in shares of 150 roubles. By 1917, capital had increased to 33,000,000 roubles with the issue of a further 110,000 shares.
This is one of the oldest gold mining companies of Russia. The company had mines in north-eastern Siberia on the Lena River (Olekminsk District in Yakutia).
This is one of the oldest gold mining companies of Russia. The company had mines in north-eastern Siberia on the Lena River (Olekminsk District in Yakutia). It was known as “Len’soloto” with up to 6000 workers. In 1902/03 for instance, this company produced 3,5 tons of pure gold, which was 50% of the total gold production of all mines in Siberia.
The mines were the site of the famous Lena massacre, of 1912. The miners, desperate from the merciless exploitation by the company, with long hours and appalling conditions, went on strike. This led to military intervention with, according to some reports, as many as 250 dead. This led to a wave of strikes across the country, and contributed to the strength of feeling which brought about the Revolution five years later.