Société d’Industrie de Naphte et de Commerce “A. I. Mantacheff et Cie.”
Нефтепромышленное и Торговое Общество “А. И. Манташевь и Ко”
“A. I. Mantashev and Co” Petroleum and Trade Company
Other city spellings: St.-Pétersbourg, Petrograd, Pétrograde
Formed in 1899 with head office in Tiflis, later moved to St. Petersburg. Initial capital was 11,000,000 roubles in shares of 250 roubles. Capital was increased in 1913 to 20,000,000 roubles. Later in 1913, all shares were converted to 100 roubles (2 x 250 rouble shares for 5 x 100 roubles shares). Russian General Oil Corporation Limited (a British company) owned the majority of shares.
The company was founded in 1886 by Alexander Ivanovitch Mantaschev (1842-1911), a man of Armenian origin and son of a textile merchant. He became one of Russia’s leading men in the oil industry, together with the Nobel and Rothschild families. His firm was converted to a limited company in 1899 to attract outside capital. The company headquarters were in Tiflis, but the oil installations, including two refineries, were located in Baku. The company’s 1909 turnover amounted to 6.5 million roubles.