Société d’Industrie Minière d’Ékatérinovka
Екатериновское Горнопромышленное Общество
Ekaterinovsk Mining Company
Formed in 1896 with head office in Ekaterinovka (now Kypuche in Ukraine). Initial capital was 375,000 roubles in shares of 125 gold roubles. Capital was increased by 562,500 roubles in 1898 when shares were converted to 187.50 roubles. Further share issues increased capital to 5,625,000 roubles in 1907. The majority of the shares were owned by Société Minière et Métallurgique de Nicopole-Marioupole.
The Ekaterinovsk Mining Company was founded by a Russian count of Polish origin K.K. Branitsky together with French citizens A. Buroz and R. Duval in 1896 in the village of Yekaterinovka, Yekaterinoslav province (in 1921-2016, Artemovsk, since 2016 – Kipuchee, Luhansk region, Ukraine). The main capital of the company was formed from 30,000 shares of 500 francs (187.50 rubles) and 42,790 bonds of 500 francs. In addition to the mines at st. Krinichnaya, Capital, Zapad and Markov and the Grigoryevsky mine (the territory of the modern city of Donetsk), the company owned the Rykovsky mine (two miles west of the Mushketovo station), which was purchased in 1904 from owned by the Belgians of the Joint Stock Company Rykovsky coal mines.
The Ekaterinovsk Mining Society was primarily interested in profit at any cost. Which eventually became the cause of a grandiose catastrophe (methane explosion) at mine No. 4 on June 18, 1908. As a result of the tragedy, the Ekaterinovsk Company was forced to reconstruct the ventilation of the mine field, open a mine rescue station, and plan the construction of two more mines. In 1914, further to the east along the axis of the current Avenue of the Fallen Communards of Donetsk, mine No. 7-8 was opened, and a little later, in the immediate vicinity of mine No. 4-4, mine No. 5-6 started operating in 1915. Between the two new mines, the management of the mines built a workers’ settlement, now popularly known as Shanghai.
With the advent of Soviet power, the Capital mine joined the Sovetskugol trust. Currently, the mine is closed, the access roads have been dismantled, and only the drainage works. (Source: Wikipedia)