Société pour la Production et le Commerce des Articles de Caoutchouc “Bogatyr”
Общество Производства и Торговли Резиновыми Издѣлиями “Богатырь”
Gesellschaft für Produktion und Handel von Gummi-Fabrikaten “Bogatyr”
Other city spellings: Moscou, Moskau
The company was formed in 1910 with head office in Moscow. Initial capital was 4,969,000 roubles in shares of 100 roubles. Capital was increased in 1912 to 6,500,000 roubles and in 1913 to 9,938,000 roubles, all in shares of 100 roubles.
The Bogatyr was a mediaeval Russian heroic warrior, comparable to the western European ‘knight errant’. This company, formed in 1910, was one of the first to carry out work for a synthetic rubber. Since rubber cannot grow in Russia, there was a great demand for a good substitute and Bogatyr established an experimental laboratory. In the years before the Revolution, Bogatyr was the third biggest rubber company in Russia. The company’s main product was ‘galoshes’ (footwear for the poor classes), but it also manufactured tires for cars and bicycles. The certificates carry a vignette of a great Bogatyr. (Source: Boone, April 2022)