Compagnie des Chemins de Fer du Sud-Est
Общество Юго-Восточныхъ Железныхъ Дорогъ
Russian South-Eastern Railway Company
Süd-Ost Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft
Other city spellings: Charkow, Eletz, Kharkof, Kharkov, Kharkow, Koslow, Rostoff, Rostow, Tsaritsyne, Zarizyn, Voronezh, Voronège, Woronesch
Formed in 1893 from the merger of Griasi-Tsaritsyn Railway Company and Koslov-Voronesh-Rostov Railway Company. Capital was 21,950,750 roubles metallic in shares of 125 roubles. Shares when drawn for redemption were replaced by jouissance shares. This was one of the 6 largest privately owned railways in 1914. The main lines were: Griasi-Tsaritsyn; Koslov-Rostov; Charkov-Balaschov; Orel-Griasi; Jelez-Walujki and the East Donetz railway. Total length of the network was 3,470km.