Société du Chemin de Fer de Varsovie-Vienne (II)
Общество Варшавско-Вѣнской Железной Дороги
Warsaw-Vienna Railway Company
Warschau-Wiener Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft
Other city spellings: Warszawy
Concession granted in October 1857. Due to the unsatisfactory management by the Treasury and the Tsar’s preference for private enterprise, the railway was transferred to this private company, which received the operating rights for 75 years in return for an annual rent.
Capital was 25,000,000 roubles in 2 issues. First issue was 12,500,000 roubles, issued between 1857 and 1870; the second issue (also 12,500,000 roubles) was in 1900. Shares when drawn for redemption were replaced by jouissance shares. All shares, including jouissance, were repaid in 1912. There were also some certificates issued by Lippman, Rosenthal and the Deutsche Bank in 1912 that relate to this repayment. The company was nationalised in 1912.