African Gold Concessions and Development Company Ltd
Registered 7th of December 1894. Company number 42712. In voluntary liquidation 30th of December 1896. Capital – £150,000 in 10s shares. Purchased 206 acres of ground at Millwood, Mossel Bay, Cape Colony, South Africa. From the Homtini Hydraulic Mines Syndicate Ltd., the ground was reported to contain 2Oz per ton of alluvial gold. The purchase consideration was £122,250 paid as 22,500 in fully paid shares and 277,500 credited as 8s paid up. In January 1895 10 Claims where sold to the Umtoli Gold Reefs Co., Ltd. And 12 to the Abercorn Reefs Ltd. Tests on the ground proved to be disappointing with the results producing 5-6 grains of gold per ton.
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