Cockermouth, Keswick and Penrith Railway Company
Incorporated on 1st August 1861
A 31½ mile line linking the Cockermouth and Workington Railway with the Lancaster and Carlisle Railway. It opened in 1865 and was worked by the Cockermouth and Workington company, who were later amalgamated with the London and North Western Railway. This company continued to work the line jointly with the Stockton and Darlington Railway, as both had subscribed £25,000 to the company. The line passed to the London, Midland and Scottish Group in 1923.
Original Capital £200,000 in £20 shares, Loans of £66,000. Additional in 1865 of £34,000 and £11,000; 1867 of £25,000 and £8,000; and 1876 of £25,000 and £8,000.