Grand Junction Canal Company
Incorporated 30th April 1793. Opened in 1805, the Grand Junction Canal was built to link the Midlands with London, previously connected by the Oxford Canal and the River Thames which was not easily navigable. The company made improvements to compete with the London and Birmingham Railway, and bought the ‘old’ Grand Union Canal and the Leicestershire and Northamptonshire Union Canals to increase traffic on to London. In 1929, the Regent’s Canal purchased the Grand Junction along with the Warwick canals and they formed part of the New Grand Union Canal.
Capital £500,000 in £100 shares, and £100,000 additional by mortgage. Further £225,000 authorised in 1795 and £150,000 in 1801 to complete the works. This was insufficient and £400,000 raised in 1803 followed by small amounts.