Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company Limited
Originally formed by Marconi as the Wireless Telegraph & Signal Company in 1897 following Marconi’s work for the British Government. Later renamed as above. Marconi was the first to send wireless signals across the Atlantic in 1902. The Marconi name is now synonomous with radio and telegraphy often because of other famous events. The radio operators on the Titanic were Marconi employees and the communications between the ship and Carpathia were fundamental in saving many lives. Wireless telegraphy was also instrumental in the capture of murderer Dr. Crippen, sailing under a disguise to the United States.
Capital £200,000 in shares of £1. Increased to £300,000 in 1904. By 1908 had increased to £500,000. By 1909 had increased to £750,000 in 500,000 ordinary shares of £1 and 250,000 7% Cumulative Preference shares of £1. By 1928 had risen to £4,000,000.
1902 <