Wetcarbonizing Ltd
Registered 1912. Dissolved <1932. Company number 121257. Owned the Ironhirst peatworks for the treatment of sewage. Directors included the Rt Hon. Gerald W. Balfour, the Rt.Hon Lord D’Abernon, Sir Kenneth Crossley Bt., Sir Edward Bowron and Arthur B. Reckitt.
Capital £348,283 19s in 342,500 Preference shares of £1 and 115,679 Ordinary shares of 1/-. Increased to £506,283 19s 16th December 1912 in 500,000 Preference shares of £1 and 125,679 Ordinary shares of 1/-. Increased 14th September 1917 to £1,010,836 in 1,000,000 Preference shares of £1 and 216,720 Ordinary shares of 1/-.