Pan American Airways Corporation
Incorporated in Delaware 23rd June 1928 as the Aviation Corporation of the Americas under plan to acquire the business of the Aviation Corporation of America and the Atlantic, Gulf and Caribbean Airways Inc. which were dissolved. This title adopted 29th April 1931. Owned all the capital stock of Pan American Airways Inc.
Capital 500,000 shares, increased to 1,000,000 shares on 22nd March 1929 and to 2,000,000 shares on 25th September 1937. Shares were originally of no par value to $10 in 1932 then reduced to $5 in 1937.
The company was formed as a holding company to transact international air transport through various subsidiaries. In 1939 owned all the capital stock of Pan American Airways Inc., Cia. Mexicana de Aviacion S.A., Pan American Airways of Texas, Inc., and Pacific Alaska Airways Inc. Also owned 50% of the capital stock of Pan American-Grace Airways Inc., which in turn owned the whole capital stock of Chilian Airways Corporation and a 20% stake in Faucett Aviation Company. Owned a 45% stake in China National Aviation Corporation, held through ownership of the entire capital stock of China Airways Federal Inc. (USA).